Valdez, Alaska is known as a top-notch, tiny Alaskan boating town. Commercial fishing, sport fishing, and recreational boating runs deep in our culture.
We are proud to partner with Hewescraft and other businesses to give away amazing prizes (more chances to win are coming soon!): including a fantastic large-ocean watercraft. The Hewescraft Alaskan 250 was built with Alaska in mind: it showcases strength, stability, reliability, safety, and power.
Discover Valdez presents this amazing boat and more as we raise funds towards our mission to promote leisure, art, culture, and adventure in Valdez. Support our 501c6 organization's promotion and advocacy for the community of Valdez and its visitors through this annual charitable raffle.
We know you'd be proud to be the owner of a Hewescraft vessel. And in making this contribution we know you'll feel proud to help us make an impact in Valdez -- to preserve and promote our way of life and our culture. Every contribution during the Boat Raffle Fundraiser helps to Support Valdez, AK!
Thank you for your participation.